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check out my guestbook! if you haven't! and check out some of these cool sites that inspired/helped me create this website through their resources and graphics:

Pinku Kingdom 1 2 2
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Smiley face link back? :3

welcome back!

hello!! im pranksterjpg and i'm a southern writer with an academic background in psychology, technical writing, archives, and design. i like dragons, neopets pet pages, reading, and video games! consuming lots of my work is good for a balanced breakfast!


things to know about my cool website:
- the font is handwritten, by yours truly! you can grab brendontype for free right here. you can ignore the suggested donation if you would like-- i will not feel bad in the slightest! thanks for using my font!
- there is no explicit content on this website, but the resources tab leads to many pages for writing/art resources that are out of my control!
- this website is not super responsive on mobile (yet). best i got rn is making the text size bigger across the site slowly but surely-- we will have mobile compatibility one day soon! workin on it.

--- explorer's log ---

October 13, 2024: Another hot minute without an update. Since the website is getting so much attention, I thought I'd swap out the old font for my own handwriting, then I also added my goodreads to the navbar, even though lowkey i genuinely think my goodreads is lame. Well, I said I would put it there, and I did! I don't think I'd ever read my own goodreads reviews lol, I'd have someone do it for me and tell me what people are thinking I need to do more of in my writing. I feel like we've seen enough author scandals around Goodreads to know to stay away.
July 2, 2024: long time no update! If you've seen the site pop up, I have been updating fastidiously since March, so most pages are active now! I just got really lazy and didn't feel like updating the Explorers Log LMAOOO... I think we're just missing the shrine as well as half of the links on the resources page. I'll be on a short hiatus for the next week or so, so I'll try to update it before then.
in other good news, I am now the Assistant Chapbook Editor at Sundress Publications!! what an honor!! i really want to publish my own work one day, and so obviously the best way to start on my goal is to learn about other perspectives, everything i can! thanks for following me on this journey, i am very grateful for my promotion <3

January 31, 2024: i wasn't kidding with that last message! i just published a new blog post with Sundress Publications (a publishing company in my town) where you can get to know me and some of the things i talk about. check it out here! topics include: being in foster care, writing, and learning new perspectives

January 12, 2024: happy new year! i'm making a LOT of edits to the site over the next week, so if you see anything crazy going on, let me know. I am also now the Nonprofit Intern for SUNDRESS PUBLICATIONS, (you can scroll down & see me!) the second stone on my river ride to become a published author one day! YIPPPEEEEEEE

December 11, 2023: was super busy with my BIG BOY JOB, but made plenty of time to post on youtube! if you are a writer/interested in writing, i've updated my writing page to include resources to cool places i've scavenged for online. feel free to check it out!
July 2, 2023: created a youtube video about toontown: corporate clash for my channel! video has some cursing and is not recommended for children or anyone who doesn't enjoy it used as entertainment

July 11, 2023: added more links to
the writing page, at the bottom. i kind of want to turn links out into their own page but i have also been thinking about an entire overhaul so i can write the code myself but also i know it will take me like 5 hours WAHHHH

July 1, 2023: now tell me why i didnt notice that the fun page didnt have any links onit/i forgor to put the links Smiley face

also i changed some stuff around and am excited to put down more links! i will keep yall in The Know. welcome from twitter if youre migrating! stick around :3

June 27, 2023: FUN PAGE IS LIVE!!! shoutout!!!! :D i will be updating it regularly with more and better art. you can see lots of the art i've uploaded to the page!!

June 26, 2023: i am putting the final touches on some background pages ive been keeping close to my chest. my next idea after that is to make the poetry more obvious without having to jump to google docs lol

June 14, 2023: i got a new job (it's rlly good u guise....) so i've been less active ;; but i have some huge plans for the fun page on this website. and i also updated the song of the week!!!!!!!!!!!

May 16, 2023: revamped the writing page to be less ugly and to completely match the main page, frankly it was a hassle trying to figure out what *i* liked for the page, only to realize maybe don't fix something that doesn't need it. may play around with javascript on the page because it would be more efficient. idk. to be discussed! also created some new videos so check them out :P will be adding more to my page soon!

April 22, 2023: general site editing, and learned some new skills to make a few videos for my channel. i also am on the road to adding more content to individual pages! i want to add a gallery next. there i will post some artwork i've culminated as well as put together a real portfolio page with digital and copy conent.

April 10, 2023: created a button to add to my front page, as well as some general clean-up! next comes more videos, more physical reading content (i'm about five pages into two new works, and polishing off my novellas...). i'll be posting this page to my social medias soon so there will be a lot more traffic. let me know if you want to trade buttons!!!

March 24, 2023: Added a short bit about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon to my Youtube video.

March 7, 2023: Added a new short fiction story revamped from 2017, coyote dreams, on my writing page. Working on simplifying homepage and adding more content from art stuff.

March 4, 2023: Happy New Year! I've been updating here and there but nothing worth noting (ha) until now. I've completely revamped the writing portfolio page, so go give it a peeksee! I added some more works to it as well, let me know what you think through my contact or write in my guestbook :3 More changes planned for site soon kthxbye!.

December 15, 2022: Created a Youtube video about the game I have been playing, Sonic Frontiers.

December 14, 2022: Cleaned up website viewing and added some blurbs to writing tabs. I also added some more fun webpages on the side, though I'm thinking of making it its own site/webpage.

November 27, 2022: More minor site-wide edits, and published my fictional work Fishy Business, my final for a 400-level creative writing course I took in college. I really loved writing this piece, and it won me a spot for Sundress Publications' Writers' Residency in February 2022!

October 28, 2022: Miscellanous edits, and finally added my new serious works page, one of my final projects for a 400 level technical writing class in my senior year of college. I am very proud of it, even through it's aging!

October 28, 2022: Created a guestbook!! for the website as well as cleaned up some pages. Getting a lot of traffic even though there's nothing to look at yet.

October 22, 2022: The website actually has things to look at, and I added the main page. There are also now other pages to explore, such as my personal Youtube and portfolio of work!

October 16. 2022: This website was created! I wanted a place to store my works online as archives as well as to have my own personal place to play.

Smiley face

345,413,243 missing neopets pet pages remain..

more to know...


social media often condenses who we are for the sake of advertisers and not its users. learning to code is a fun task. this website is not meant to draw profit or create convenience for the sake of going fast. take a break here to explore. so here we are! this website is most heavily inspired by 2013-2014 neopets pet pages, cruddy reloading from petpage to petpage and all. often, there is an idea that we have to return to some kind of 'old' web or coding style. Not at all! I think this discourages creativity. Remember, they were working with a lot of the limitations of what they had!! REAL old web is about making something you love!!!!

cute green stamp in postal style with smiling finger-wagging classic 90s Sonic that reads I SUPPORT THE POLISH PICKLE cute green stamp in postal style with smiling finger-wagging classic 90s Sonic that reads I SUPPORT THE POLISH PICKLE cute green stamp in postal style with smiling finger-wagging classic 90s Sonic that reads I SUPPORT THE POLISH PICKLE

check out the guestbox below! share your favorite pokemon?